Misi Penyelamatan dalam Narasi Keluaran Menjawab Pergumulan Teologis Penderitaan Manusia
Two years in the mids of Covid-19 pandemic has caused suffering globally. Nations experience crises in various fields of life. As a result of this crisis, many cry out to question where God is and why He doesn't intervene and solve human sufferings today. Therefore, God is considered absent in human life.
To answer this theological problem, the author by using a literary criticism approach will interpret the book of Exodus to show the nature of God's saving mission which is formative-constitutive and prophetic-paradigmatic. The Exodus event illustrates an appropriate response in interpreting the situation of a nation experiencing suffering. Through this interpretation, a pattern of salvation is found for the suffering people. A nation in a state of suffering asked God for help and God answered through His chosen agency for a rescue mission.
This research finds that God's people today are enslaved by the fear of death as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. When God's people cry out in the agreement to pray earnestly, then help will surely come. God does salvation through pharmaceutical and medical research as an extension of God's hand. In a relatively very short time, these researchers managed to find a vaccine to prevent wider transmission, and reduce the percentage of deaths for people who are exposed. When suffering due to a pandemic eliminates hope for life, God's present-day rescue mediators are used to bring hope for life and the future. God is present in cooperation with His servants in every age in different ways, but with the same goal, namely to give salvation to people who are suffering.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.54553/kharisma.v4i1.117
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