Konflik dan Peran Profetis-Normatif Pendeta: Kajian Etika Sosial Kristen
This paper reviews Christian social ethics on the prophetic-normative role of pastors in dealing with the rejection of the construction of Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor Bethlehem Oeluan-North Central Timor. The pastor's prophetic-normative role in this study refers to the ability to convey actual teachings that originate from moral responsibility based on the Christian faith. This is qualitative research where data collection was conducted through interviews, observation, and literature study. The study results show that in carrying out the prophetic-normative role, a pastor is seen as, first, parents and shepherds whose presence creates calm and rejection of violence in the congregation. Second, as a solidarity leader who strengthens the congregation. This study concludes that the pastor understands her prophetic-normative role through her calling to serve the congregation despite threats of violence. This prophetic-normative role is manifested in solidarity with congregations who are victims of violence.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.54553/kharisma.v4i2.134
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