Peran Guru Sekolah Minggu Dalam Mendukung Perkembangan Sosial-Emosional Anak Usia Dini

Nira Olyvia Purmanasari, Yolanda Pandiangan


Every individual has social-emotional development that starts at an early age and over time will develop into complex social-emotional development. Children's social development begins with conditions in the home or family, where early childhood interacts with both parents and siblings at home.

Another influence of the child's social emotional development is the environment. The environment in question is the church. The church can be a means of supporting early childhood to experience social-emotional development through Sunday school activities.

In general, the series of Sunday school services includes praise, the word of God, games and activities to support the word of God. In its application, the entire series of Sunday school services can support the social emotional development of children. However, activities that support the word of God can be other important means of social development for children such as sticking pictures, coloring pictures, sharing colored pencils, folding origami. Through the activities carried out, children can show their results to others and interact with those around them. So the external environment such as Sunday school can support early childhood to experience development from a child's social-emotional perspective.

Keywords: Early Childhood, social emotional development, Sunday School

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