Hubungan Pemahaman Tentang Karunia Melayani Dengan Regenerasi Pelayan Tuhan

Lucky Yohanes Siswandi, Kalis Stevanus, Chandra Kirana Luhur, Gidion -


This paper aims to examine how big the relationship between the understanding of the gift of serving and the regeneration of God's servants at GKII Antiokhia Sugapa Papua. Researchers used a correlational quantitative approach. Through hypothesis testing in 3 stages, namely the first variable (x), the second variable (y), using the formula (∑ empirical score: ideal score) multiplied by 100% l with the results of the hypothesis value (x) 87.70%, the hypothesis value ( y) 87.68% and the third combines the two variables (x) and variable (y) by finding the value of the simple correlation coefficient (ry), the value of the coefficient of determination (ry2); and a simple linear equation using the line equation Y= a+b X. It was found that the correlation ® was obtained at 0.851 or 85.1%, and the coefficient of determination (R Square) was obtained at 0.724 or 72.4%, the results of the test the hypothesis that through the value of the correlation coefficient there is a very strong relationship between the understanding of the gift of serving and the regeneration of God's servants.


Relationship, Gift of Serving, Understanding, Servant Regeneration

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