Kajian Biblika Wahyu 3:14-22 Tentang Jemaat Laodikia Dan Implikasinya Bagi Jemaat Kristen
The Church of Laodicea was described by Christ as a congregation that was neither hot nor cold, lukewarm, and arrogant because of its riches. Even though they are rich materially, they experience inconsistent faith and spiritual poverty, and are less aware of their need for God. Christ threatened to vomit them out if they persisted in this way of life. In today's materialistic world, it is easy for congregations to ignore spiritual needs. This brings problems to the growth of the congregation's faith. The research method uses biblical interpretation within the framework of verse-by-verse exegesis. The author also uses qualitative methods by collecting data from various articles and commentary books. The result of this research is that Christ as the head of the church rebukes inconsistent congregations, emphasizes spiritual riches as more important, and offers forgiveness for those who want to come to Him. There is a reward for those who obey until the end, namely the opportunity to feel the presence and glory of God.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.54553/kharisma.v5i2.264
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