Apakah Bahasa Roh Merupakan Tanda Awal Baptisan Roh Kudus?

Ferry Purnama


Since the reappearance of the gifts of the Spirit, especially the use of the language of the Spirit in the middle of the church at the beginning of the 20th century, it has reaped the pros and cons among the church circles. This raises quite a serious problem especially for the Pentecostal and Charismatic congregations because they are considered heretical when they maintain the belief that speaking in tongues is a gift from God.

This paper examines whether the use of tongues is currently biblical? This paper also examines the relationship of speaking in tongues with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This paper is made using descriptive qualitative research methods. The data collection technique that I use is through literature study. To get conclusions in general, intact and thorough from the research that has been done, the writer will use inductive methods.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.54553/kharisma.v1i1.3


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